
News articles

CSOs call on the Minister for the Public Service and Finance to adequately fund Open Government Partnership work

Eight civil society organisations have written to Minister Willis who is both the Minister responsible for New Zealand's membership of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), and Minister of Finance asking her to ensure that adequate funding is provided so that ambitious new pieces of work are committed to in our next National Action Plan. Keep reading “CSOs call on the Minister for the Public Service and Finance to adequately fund Open Government Partnership work”

Media release: Open Government – Sham consultation on yet another weak plan

The New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties today condemned the government for yet another in a series of weak National Action Plans produced as a member of the international Open Government Partnership (the OGP). Keep reading “Media release: Open Government – Sham consultation on yet another weak plan”

The Ombudsman’s reply

Yesterday, the Council wrote to the Ombudsman, Peter Boshier, to complain about the decision made in his name to close our complaint against the former Minister for Covid-19 Response. The Ombudsman has replied to the Council, apologising for the management of our complaint, re-opening the matter, and undertaking to conduct an investigation. The text of the Ombudsman’s reply is below. Keep reading “The Ombudsman’s reply”