The convention has been widely criticised for creating human rights problems. The convention requires New Zealand Police to invade the privacy of people here, upon receipt of demands from foreign police, without adequate safeguards like proportionality. It is far better for Aotearoa New Zealand to creatively implement treaties in ways which improve our country than to strictly adhere to the wording of treaties in ways which lower our standards. Keep reading “Submission: Budapest Convention and Related Matters Legislation Amendment Bill”
The Parliament Bill makes funding of our legislature more independent of the government. However, it fails to bring parliamentary agencies within the Official Information Act. The Bill also increases the powers of Parliamentary Security, which could have real problems for our right to protest outside. Keep reading “Submission: Parliament Bill”
The Sentencing (Reform) Amendment bill makes a series of alterations to sentencing which run contrary to the principles of natural justice. The Council does not believe in the problem, and finds the proposed solution to be an unacceptable limit on our civil liberties. Keep reading “Submission: Sentencing (Reform) Amendment Bill”
The Council believes that biometric processing is a significant threat to our liberties and our democracy. The Council re-iterates our call for a ban on Remote Biometric Identification (RBI). The Council recommends that a biometrics code under the Privacy Act should not be adopted. Keep reading “Privacy Commission Biometrics Consultation”
The Council's response to a consultation by the Ministry of Justice on the draft of a voluntary Code of Conduct for lobbyists. We're concerned by the definition of 'lobbyist' and how weak the draft Code is. Keep reading “Submission on the Draft Voluntary Code of Conduct for lobbyists”
This Bill is a gross infringement of our civil liberties including the rights to freedom of expression, freedom of association, and freedom of peaceful assembly. The Council recommends that the Committee reject this Bill in its entirety. Keep reading “Submission: Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill”
The full text of our submission to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee recommending substantial amendments to the Inspector-General of Defence Bill. Keep reading “Submission: Inspector-General of Defence Bill”
The full text of our submission to the Justice Select Committee opposing the Human Rights (Incitement on Ground of Religious Belief) Amendment Bill. Keep reading “Submission: Human Rights (Incitement on Ground of Religious Belief) Amendment Bill”