
Submission: Review of Standing Orders 2023

Submitters have a common objective with Members – that the outcome of the scrutiny process should be thehighest quality legislation possible, even if this may sometimes mean  recommending that the bill be withdrawn for redrafting or consultation. Our  submission makes recommendations to improve the quality of select  committee and parliamentary processes so as to try and avoid that second situation. Keep reading “Submission: Review of Standing Orders 2023”
Photo of a silhouette of a man against a large screen showing computer data

Briefing on the Data and Statistics Bill

The New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties is opposed to the Data and Statistics Bill and wants it withdrawn. Once in a generation law reform, on a topic that needs all-party support to have credibility, should be developed collaboratively to ensure public confidence. Read our briefing to MPs ahead of the final stages of the Bill's passage through Parliament. Keep reading “Briefing on the Data and Statistics Bill”

Supplementary Submission: Data and Statistics Bill

Our oral submission asked some important questions including "Where is the Privacy Impact Assessment?" and "Why is Statistics talking about the NZ govt 'warming up the public gradually' to further data sharing?" . The Committee asked us to put these points in a supplementary written submission. Keep reading “Supplementary Submission: Data and Statistics Bill”

Submission: Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System and Children and Young People’s Commission Bill

The Council calls for the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System and Children and Young People's Commission Bill to be withdrawn. The Council doubts the effectiveness of the bill's core measures and opposes restrictions on freedom of information, freedom of expression, and our right to justice. Keep reading “Submission: Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System and Children and Young People’s Commission Bill”

Submission: Data & Statistics Bill

The Council opposes the Data and Statistics Bill, which gives more power to the state, and takes it from the public. The bill increases government collection, use and sharing amongst itself of information about us, while weakening our rights both to privacy and to access information held by government agencies. Keep reading “Submission: Data & Statistics Bill”

Submission: Inquiry into Supplementary Order Paper 59 on the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill

The Council supports the rights and liberties of all people in Aotearoa New Zealand including their right not to be discriminated against on the basis of their gender, gender identity, or sex characteristics. Keep reading “Submission: Inquiry into Supplementary Order Paper 59 on the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill”

Submission: – Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill

The Council supports the proposed criminalisation of conversion therapy. We have an obligation to protect the life, dignity, health and equality of LGBT+ persons. We recommend amendments to criminalise cosmetic gender assignment surgery on infants, to remove the loophole for health practitioners, and to add sentencing options other than prison. Keep reading “Submission: – Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill”

Submission: Māori Electoral Option

The Council supports the right of all New Zealanders to vote in elections.  In a democratic society, the denial of the right to vote to any section of the population has implications, in terms of devaluing citizenship and of possibly affecting electoral outcomes. Universal suffrage is the most basic criteria for an election to be deemed democratic. Keep reading “Submission: Māori Electoral Option”