Part two of a briefing to the Minister for Public Services, who is responsible for the country's membership of the Open Government Partnership. This part deals with the opportunity to strengthen proactive publication. Keep reading “Open Government – Briefing to Minister Hipkins, part two: Proactive Disclosure”
Part one of a briefing to the Minister for Public Services, who is responsible for the country's membership of the Open Government Partnership. This part deals with the problem of secrecy clauses in legislation. Keep reading “Open Government – Briefing to Minister Hipkins, part one: Secrecy Clauses”
The Council supports the Three Strikes Legislation Repeal Bill, subject to amendments enabling re-sentencing and compensation for prisoners found to have been detained for an unjust duration. Keep reading “Submission: Three Strikes Legislation Repeal Bill”
The Council has suggested commitments for inclusion in the country's next National Action Plan as a member of the Open Government Partnership. These would strengthen our democracy, increase access to justice and increase oversight of intelligence activities, amongst other things. Keep reading “Submission: Open Government Action Plan”