Report: Statistics NZ Data Summit 2018
NZCCL committee member Andrew Ecclestone went to the Statistics NZ Data Summit in 2018.
… Keep reading “Report: Statistics NZ Data Summit 2018”We’ll discuss balancing the tensions
NZCCL committee member Andrew Ecclestone went to the Statistics NZ Data Summit in 2018.
… Keep reading “Report: Statistics NZ Data Summit 2018”We’ll discuss balancing the tensions
The NZCCL's submission in response to the call for submissions on reviewing the Official Information Act.
The NZ Council … Keep reading “The Case for a Full Review of the Official Information Act”
Let's be clear about what secret evidence is. It's not evidence that can't be reported in the media, and it's … Keep reading “Secret evidence is unjust and should be banned”
The Christchurch massacre has led to some new developments in the practice of censorship in New Zealand. This post is … Keep reading “Christchurch massacre and censorship”
Minister for National Security and Intelligence
Minister Ardern,
The New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties would like to know what … Keep reading “Letter re the failings of the warranting process for the SIS and GCSB”
The New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties welcomes the decision by the Supreme Court today, that the legislation that denied … Keep reading “Media release: Welcome prisoner voting decisions from the Supreme Court”
It’s been an interesting year for civil liberties with events, particularly overseas, bringing up some new ways of looking at … Keep reading “Chairperson’s Report 2018”
The NZ Council for Civil Liberties is disappointed to see the law allowing Customs to demand people unlock their digital … Keep reading “Media release: Customs new powers an unjustified invasion of privacy”
It has become a truism that that Official Information Act needs to be fixed.
Ask any journalist and for every … Keep reading “Media release: A Better Official Information Act”
The Official Information Act is the legal expression of a very simple idea – we've got a right … Keep reading “A Better Official Information Act”
The Minister for Immigration, Iain Lees-Galloway, should ensure prominent human rights voices are able to be heard at the International … Keep reading “Media release: Immigration Minister called on to uphold New Zealand’s human rights reputation”
Surveillance is a civil liberties issue says NZCCL
In a report published yesterday the IGIS found that the GCSB was … Keep reading “Media release: IGIS report ignores morality of NZ spying in South Pacific”
Contrary to reporting last year, it seems that the Government currently has no plans to reform the Official Information … Keep reading “Media release: Disappointment as Government says it has no plans to reform the Official Information Act”
Occasionally we publish guest articles about matters relevant to civil liberties in New Zealand. The following article discusses an important … Keep reading “Guest article: Public registers & privacy – NZ DNS introduces IRPO”
The recent court case in Wellington where evidence was withheld from the defendant and their lawyer in the name of … Keep reading “Secret evidence unacceptable”
We welcome the government's commitment to review the Official Information Act as part of a wider move to improve open … Keep reading “Official Information Act review requires public participation”
Once again it seems that the banks have been handing over private customer information to the Police. They handed over … Keep reading “Police backdoor access to private data”
The question came up online of whether New Zealand telephone companies store SMS text messages, and whether they then make … Keep reading “Do the telephone companies store SMS texts?”
Stuff reports:
… Keep reading “Customs, compelled device unlocking, and PR spin”A new law means Customs will no longer be able to demand that people entering the country
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Office of the Privacy Commissioner if you have concerns about your privacy.
Aotearoa Justice Watch to anonymously tell someone about a problem you’ve encountered with our justice system including police and prisons.