The convention has been widely criticised for creating human rights problems. The convention requires New Zealand Police to invade the privacy of people here, upon receipt of demands from foreign police, without adequate safeguards like proportionality. It is far better for Aotearoa New Zealand to creatively implement treaties in ways which improve our country than to strictly adhere to the wording of treaties in ways which lower our standards. Keep reading “Submission: Budapest Convention and Related Matters Legislation Amendment Bill”
The Council opposes the Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill as an unwarranted intrusion on our civil liberties to implement a regime that fails in its stated purpose. Keep reading “Submission: Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill”
The Council believes that biometric processing is a significant threat to our liberties and our democracy. The Council re-iterates our call for a ban on Remote Biometric Identification (RBI). The Council recommends that a biometrics code under the Privacy Act should not be adopted. Keep reading “Privacy Commission Biometrics Consultation”
The Council condemns this bill in the strongest terms. The word for Police interactions “without having reasonable grounds to suspect that any offence has been, is being, or will be committed” is harassment. Keep reading “Submission: Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Amendment Bill”
The Attorney General has decided that this bill can not be justified in a free and democratic society. That’s a serious condemnation from a trusted source. The Council urges the committee to kill this bill. Keep reading “Ram Raids Bill Oral Submission”